Source code for unetseg.predict

import os
import warnings
from glob import glob

import attr
import numpy as np
import rasterio
from sklearn.preprocessing import minmax_scale
from tqdm import tqdm

from unetseg.train import build_model_unet, build_model_unetplusplus
from unetseg.utils import grouper, resize

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, module="skimage")

[docs]@attr.s class PredictConfig: images_path = attr.ib(default="") results_path = attr.ib(default="") batch_size = attr.ib(default=32) model_architecture = attr.ib(default="unet") model_path = attr.ib(default="unet.h5") height = attr.ib(default=320) width = attr.ib(default=320) n_channels = attr.ib(default=3) n_classes = attr.ib(default=1) class_weights = attr.ib(default=0)
[docs]def predict(cfg: PredictConfig): """ Performs inference based on a configuration object Parameters ---------- cfg : PredictConfig Configuration object """ pat = os.path.join(cfg.images_path, "images/*.tif") predict_ids = glob(pat) print(f"Total images to predict ({pat}):", len(predict_ids)) os.makedirs(cfg.results_path, exist_ok=True) # Skip already existing files predict_ids = [ p for p in predict_ids if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cfg.results_path, os.path.basename(p))) ] print("After skipping existing results:", len(predict_ids)) # Load model # FIXME: Find a better way to load model (.load_model() did not work because # of the weighted_binary_crossentropy function). # build_model() only expects cfg to have: width, height, n_channels, n_classes if cfg.model_architecture == "unet": model = build_model_unet(cfg) # print(model.summary()) elif cfg.model_architecture == "unetplusplus": model = build_model_unetplusplus(cfg) # print(model.summary()) else: print("no model architecture was set so default UNet model will be use") model = build_model_unet(cfg) # print(model.summary()) model.load_weights(cfg.model_path) # Predict over each batch of images groups = list(grouper(predict_ids, cfg.batch_size)) for mini_group in tqdm(groups): mini_group = [g for g in mini_group if g] X_predict = [] X_profile = [] for i, img_path in enumerate(mini_group): with as src: img_ = np.dstack([ for b in range(1, cfg.n_channels + 1)]) profile_ = src.profile.copy() img_ = minmax_scale(img_.ravel(), feature_range=(0, 255)).reshape( img_.shape ) img_ = resize(img_, (cfg.height, cfg.width)) img_ = img_.reshape(cfg.height, cfg.width, cfg.n_channels) X_predict.append(img_) X_profile.append(profile_) # Predict batch pred = model.predict(np.array(X_predict)) preds_test_ = pred # > 0.05 preds_test_scaled_ = minmax_scale( preds_test_.ravel(), feature_range=(1, 255) ).reshape(preds_test_.shape) for i, img_path in enumerate(mini_group): profile_ = X_profile[i] profile_.update(count=cfg.n_classes, dtype=np.uint8) out_height, out_width = profile_["height"], profile_["width"] filename = os.path.basename(img_path) with os.path.join(cfg.results_path, filename), "w", **profile_ ) as dst: img = resize(preds_test_scaled_[i], (out_height, out_width)) img = img.astype(np.uint8).reshape( (out_height, out_width, cfg.n_classes) ) for b in range(cfg.n_classes): dst.write(img[:, :, b], b + 1) print("Done!")